This weekend i finished my first Tau Fire Warrior. I did him as a test to see how my selected color scheme would work and to try a couple of new techniques. Here is a basic run down:
- Based model (using PVA glue, and a mixture of sand and kitty litter)
- Attached model to the base.
- Primed White
- Base coated. (Liche Purple for the "cloth parts", Catchatan Green for the Armored sections, and black for the gun and base.
- Attached right arm, backpack, and shoulder pad. (i painted these seperatly to insure better coverage.
- Dry-Brushed gold on the sept on the shoulder pad and the round part of the gun.
- Inked the model in black. This added a lot of depth. (I made the ink myself by using 1 part cheap black paint and 5 parts water)
- Painted the lenses. Red, a mixture of red and silver for the highlights and a dot of pure white.
- Painted the edge of the base black.
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